Life In Quarantine 2: The Quarantineering
Alrighty, extremely significant blog post number two of the day which I've got to complete within the next few hours before I get utterly screwed like a particularly popular courtesan at a red light district. Alright, for this awe-inspiring blog post, I shall talk about an essential part of every person's life: water. I remember back when I used to physically venture to school like a normal person, I lived in a dorm, where while there may have been a water dispenser right outside my dorm room, there wasn't a cup dispenser. Which is honestly reasonable, but it definitely taught me to clean my water bottle from time to time (as opposed to when I'm at home, where I more or less just put an exhausted water bottle on a nearby table and it magically gets cleaned hours later. No offense to the help, of course).
Anyway, here's a image to remind you all to stay hydrated. Now scram.
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