This blog is about the adventures (read: gradual descent into inevitable insanity) of a college student documenting his journey through quarantine while voluntarily keeping track of his escapades with no one's orders but he, himself and him only. You can tell by the easygoing nature of his blog posts. There really isn't much else you need to know about me other than the aforementioned facts. Here's proof of my existence as a living (at least on the outside), breathing human being, because apparently some random photo of myself is proof enough of that. If I turn out to be a catfish and your expectations sink impossibly low in turn, you only have yourself to blame. DISCLAIMER: Know that I'm doing this of my own free will, not because some lecturer told me to so that I could get a decent grade for my IT class (do you think the sarcasm is detectable yet?). Also know that if you do not understand the concept of ironic scorn, the message of this entire disclaimer is all but...